Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Work

I work with imagery from early 20th century studio animation. Taken out of their original context and tweaked, seemingly innocent characters become a bit unnerving. The character relationships and stories in my work are drawn from situations based on experiences in my personal life as well as different media (television, internet and video games) in a way that makes light of truly serious experiences.

The Ballad of Mr Hands and Other Yarns

The Last Days of A6

The A6 Gallery sleeps with the silverfish. Due to Henderson's revitilization project, the A6 Gallery had to shut it's doors. Since demolition was in the gallery's future, a group of artists got to work on the walls. We had lot's of fun and got plenty dirty too.

Sean Russell, Artist Extraordinaire

Evan+Charcoal=Coal Miner's Dream

Taking a moment to admire the beautiful mess.

Sean Russell loves Budweiser and bombs.